Our moving team: Lindsey, Brett, Dan, Gretchen, and me.
New Year's Eve, Dan and I got up bright and early to pick up the U-Haul truck. Everything was going to plan when we turn down our street on the Upper West Side and find out that we could not park. Alternate side parking was in effect and everyone was just sitting in their cars waiting for the street cleaner to come so they can move out of the way and not get ticketed. I can't believe these people sit in their cars for an hour and a half twice a week. We pulled into a spot and saw the person in front of us had a television in his car. We got out of our spot when the street cleaner came and then went right back, just like the rest of them, then we could begin to move. So lame.
We had a great moving crew. Dan's co-workers Lindsey and Gretchen to bring the smarts and savvy, Brett Jackson for the masculine power. This guy can lift things like you wouldn't believe. While the girls carried most of the little crap outside, Brett and Dan strategized how to get the two humongous, but very beloved--by me anyway--wardrobes out of the bedroom. An hour later, it was decided: Those wardrobes were not coming out. There was no way to maneuver those things out of there--Brett and Dan tried every move, every angle, every shimmy--and the wardrobes were forever stuck. We would to throw those things out of the window if we were to get them out. (Brett and Dan considered. The girls said no. Smarts and savvy working hard for the East Side move).
Adios, small, narrow apartment!
It was hard to say good-bye, but we left the wardrobes there in hopes that our landlords would consider keeping them for the next tenant (They are so perfect for the space, really). If not, we'll have to go back to destroy them. We hoped to make one trip but had to make two. Luckily there was no crosstown traffic due to the holiday. On the ride back to the old apartment, the girls sat in the back of the truck. It turned pitch black when the car engine turned on, and we felt like illegal immigrants crossing the border. Good times.
Gretchen and I cross the border.
The moving team kicked ass. We were done by 4, celebrating in the new digs with some much deserved (and much needed) celebratory champagne. It was my first move without my family helping me, and I was nervous, but it all ended up working better and easier than I imagined. Now, we had a big mess on our hands. And a new year to celebrate. After a nap, Dan and I headed downtown to a party at Dan's poker buddies' apartment where we brought in 2008 with some awesome peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate covered pretzels and more champagne to get us through the night. (Well, until 1 am when I finally lost motivation to stay awake).
Dan pours the bubbly.
Our new apartment is really nice. Dan did a great job in picking it out all by himself. The rooms are square shaped and roomy and all the appliances are new. We have an elevator and a laundry room in the building. I think we were both a little nervous about being on a busy avenue and not being able to sleep (even though we're on the 6th floor, you can hear the cars driving by). But the two of us completely zonked out on our first night and I know I haven't slept that well in weeks. The next morning Dan said that after a while the cars sounded like ocean waves. I wouldn't go that far, but it didn't bother me.
Happy 2008!
Slowly and surely, we started cleaning up our things, finding new places for our stuff. I definitely need more space for my clothes (damn you wardrobes!) but so far, we seem to be managing pretty well. When Jan 2 rolled around and Dan went to work, it felt really strange not going back as well. I know I am unemployed but there was this weird part of me that felt like I was just on vacation and would go back as well. I kind of missed seeing everyone and comparing holiday stories. I continued working on the apartment for the next two days and am finally reaching a point where I am feeling stir crazy looking at boxes and papers. It's time to start calling my friends and making plans. Everyone should be back from the holidays now.
A welcome change from unpacking, a friend from my travels, Sarah, is in town this week, so we went out for a drink. We met in Croatia and she is spending one year traveling around the world. She is stopping in New York before heading down to South America for three months. We swapped stories about Europe and she told me of her plans which sound amazing. I am a little jealous especially since it is summer there and hurting cheeks cold here in New York.
She asked me what I planned to do about work and that seems to be the lingering question out there. I am back in the States. I got me my new apartment. It's time to see the friends. But it's also time to get the job.
Drinks with Sarah.
1 comment:
What I wouldn't give for half of Brett's superpowers. Especially psionic blast.
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