Friday, May 29, 2009


Dan and I have been a couple for six years today.

Consider this:
May 30, 2000: Dan and I met for the first time in Washington, DC

May 29, 2003: Dan and I start dating in Los Angeles, CA

May 29, 2010: Dan and I are getting married in New Orleans, LA (exactly one year away!)

We didn't plan this. Dan and I picked our wedding date before we realized it was our anniversary. (To be honest, we don't really celebrate our anniversary although this year we happen to be vacationing in San Francisco.)

I think it's so cool. The end of May is a good time of year for us. Is it coincidence or fate?


Courts! said...

YAY! Happy Anniversary!!! I love you guys.

Sam said...

Those are some cool dates! It was meant to be :) My anniversary is on May 31 and I can't wait to dig into some cake.

Willy The Prince said...

I love it! A match made in heaven.