Me and Dan
Dan and I went to Southhampton, NY yesterday to attend the wedding of Dan's boss. While I don't think it's my place to go on and on about it in my blog, I have to say that it was really one of the most lovely and touching weddings that I have ever been to. I was nearly moved to tears during their ceremony, and enjoyed the beautiful location (right off the beach) and all the personal touches they put into their day that made it feel special--not just like every other wedding.
A highlight for me personally was that I decided to forgo all rules of March Madness for one day and had the pleasure of enjoying the fabulous spread of food they offered--from the appetizers (french fries, fried calamari, tuna tartar) to the meal (salad and pasta and steak) to the desserts (plural, being the key factor of goodness) including chocolate covered strawberries, mini-ice cream cones and in lieu of a wedding cake--cupcakes. Chocolate and vanilla. I tried both. Fabulous.
The whole thing was over before we knew it, and after spending some time hanging out with Dan's co-workers, we headed back on the train back to New York, coming back around 11 only to make an appearance at Kayleen's 30th birthday party. Most of the food was gone by the time we got there (and despite all the food and drink we gorged from the wedding we were hungry), so we ended the night at a diner where I enjoyed yummy pancakes with sugary syrup and Dan had a burger, and we went to bed with full stomachs, satisfied from a great day, with the goal to sleep in until noon and then go back to normal.
Just read Polishham--thanks for inviting me into your private life. Let's talk life over a glass of red wine sometime instead of over file folders.
Glad to have you as a cube neighbor.
You look hot!
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