Holy moley line!

Hogging tables, sneaking in, cutting lines with no remorse. Anything for a beignet!
Morten gets his beignet fix before his flight to Brussels.

We WANT beignets! We WANT beignets!

After about four beignets, I watched Dan eat several spoonfuls of plain confectionery sugar. At one point, he turned to me and said "My teeth hurt."
What do you do after eating beignets for two hours straight: GO TO LUNCH! Dan and I ducked the rain and joined the LA crew for some shrimp po'boys and muffalettas at Cafe Maspero. Apice said, "You planned a pretty nice wedding, but this is the best part of the weekend." I think Apice just likes a good sandwich.

Taking a big bite.
After lunch, we and about 25 guests took a bus to the bayou for a swamp tour. Captain Jack steered our boat, and we watched him feed marshmallows and hot dogs to alligators and check out boat houses draped with Confederate flags. Ah, the good ol' Southlands!

I am so glad we invited Courtney. She's too cute.

Here's our boat!

Smiles for alligators!
The money shot.

If you are a longtime reader of the Ham, you should know by now what a 'stock is...but if you don't check out: Courtstock, Jackstock, Backstock and Reidstock. Our wedding weekend was the fifth installment of our epic weekend extravaganzas. Brett designed our awesome yellow tees based on our invitation.
We joined the 'Stockers and my siblings for our last New Orleans dinner (which was lackluster in flavor but wonderful in company!) I think everyone was feeling a wee bit sleepy, so we headed to our hotel room for what we thought would be a quiet evening of conversation and wedding cake. That is until the LA crew joined us.
If you have not heard of the phenomenon Bros Icing Bros, then now's the time to get on-board. Basically the deal is that if you a bro who is presented with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, then you must get down on one knee and chug the bottle down right then and there, no excuses. Apparently, Nate had been waiting all weekend for just the right moment to "ice" Dan and when it happened, suddenly our hotel room turned into a frat house rager. Then some of the poker people came. We eventually had to kick everyone out for ONE hour of sleep and then we hightailed it to the airport for our honeymoon in Costa Rica.
Dan gets iced. Nate rejoices!
And THAT my friends, sums up our wedding weekend. I think I just wrote a novel about it. Thanks for reading (or just looking at the pictures!) I wanted to get everything down before I forgot.
(Pictures by Ara, Pete, Apice, Gerda & Morten, Susan and me)
1 comment:
I was wondering how much sleep you actually got.
And I still can't decide if I am chagrined or relieved that I wasn't 'ice'd'. Maybe if we move to LA I will have a chance to prove myself.
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