Kohlrabi made another comeback. This time, we ate it raw with a slaw made of kohlrabi and apple. Neither of us really cared for it. Then again, we're not slaw kind of people. I was intrigued by the apple, but it turned out to be not so interesting.

I finally picked up my friend Heidi's new cookbook, Super Natural Every Day. It is such a beautiful book (the photographs are stunning!), and this Summer Linguine made with zucchini was divine. My favorite recipe of the week--and super easy. That's some garlic bread, too.

Roasted chicken with swiss chard gratin. I didn't have enough swiss chard so I added kale, too. Not a bad meal but a little too fussy for me. The gratin had a hundred steps, and I felt like I dirtied half the dishes in the kitchen preparing it.

Pistachio-crusted salmon and salad with fava beans.
Are you sick of vegetables yet?
I am not the only one making things these days. One of our "100 Things" is to learn how to mix a few cocktails, and so Dan went to the library to get a bunch of drink recipe books.
This cocktail he made for us is the perfect summer drink. The next day, I demanded he make it for me again. I don't usually go around demanding drinks. It was that good.

You'll have to come over our house if you want the recipe.

I am sure our bartender will be happy to serve you (and maybe spill his secrets).
I would like that pasta dish again.
You're friends with Heidi Swanson! I love her work, and none of her recipes has ever failed me. Please tell her you know another adoring fan!
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