Monday, September 17, 2012

I did it!

This weekend, I did a two-day Photoshop class for bloggers called Blogshop. It is run by two girls including one of my favorite bloggers, Bri Emery, who writes DesignLoveFest

I have been wanting to do this class for like two years now (these girls travel all over the world doing these things). My blog looks like it's straight out of 2007 and definitely needs help.

In a cool white studio filled with super chic women, I drank a mimosa and learned all kinds of Photoshop tricks and techniques like making a banner, creating a mood board, softening wrinkles, and all those kinds of things bloggers should know about. We got a goody bag filled with cute cards from, fake tattoos, a striped iPhone case, a jewelry tray and bkr water bottles. Plus, we got to meet Joy Cho, blogger extraordinaire, who just wrote a book on the subject. (We got one of those, too). She was very pretty.

With this animated gif I created all by myself (which doesn't seem to work in all browsers), I think I have a real chance to go viral. What this means is that Everyday Ham has almost made the big time. (almost!) It's everything I've always imagined, but more.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so cool! Seems like everyone I follow was at a Blogshop class this past week. You keep the coolest company! -- Ampelhead

Yvonne said...

Yes, they were in DC, too. They are everywhere! Hope you are doing well.

Willy The Prince said...

OMG!!!! So jealous. I've wanted to learn this FOR-EVA. Super cool.Super you. I can't want to see you

Anonymous said...

Animated gif!!! - Brian