Ever since we heard the announcement about Beatles Rock Band, Dan could not stop talking about it--the great music, the instruments, the visual effects, the fact that you could sing harmonies. (We all know that Dan LOVES harmonies). I have never seen him so excited about a video game EVER.
Since we never bought any other Rock Band game, we had to buy all the instruments. That means we now own the custom-made Beatles-era guitars, drum set, special microphone with stand and an extra mic for harmonies(!)
Now Dan could fulfill his fantasy of playing on John Lennon's Rickenbacker guitar.
Although Dan prefers Paul McCartney's bass, which Dan promptly called "my bass."
Did this ever happen to you when you were a child--you went to your friend's house and the friend claimed possession of the coolest toys that ONLY he/she could play with and you were stuck with second best? This is what it felt like playing rock band with Dan for the first time. Of course, he got to play with the cool bass. But then when we were ready to play the guitar-heavy "When My Guitar Gently Weeps," I was stuck on bass, so he could rock out on the guitar solo. Dan assured me that we will have this game for a long time, and I will have my chance to play the cool parts. Besides, he's been waiting for this day to come all summer, so how can I stand in the way of his fun?
Does anyone want to come over and play?
Yes, I want to come over and play. I especially like seeing that Daniel has the Lennon guitar and the appropriate chest height.
Happy early birthdays.
Never thought we'd be buying toys for 30-yr. olds! Happy Birthday to both of you.
I am coming over! I want to sing "Oh! Darling."
(Raises hand) Yes, PLEASE!
Okay, I won't be able to be there until the 25th, but I'm coming. I hope your offer holds...
Why do you have to live so far away??? We would be there right now. We might have to make the guitar hero to rock band switch!
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