At 14 months, Michela was the biggest baby there (most of the other kids were only a few months old). But she was also the cutest. Look at that dress!
Parents David and Monica and godparents Dan and Francesca watch the priest pour holy water on her head. Watch the hair!
Dan's shining moment.
All smiles.
Look who's a big girl now. We learned at the after-party that Michela is going to be a big sister! David and Monica are expecting their second child in March.
My kind of girl. Michela dives into the cake.
My kind of man. Of course, Dan requested the slice with the big flower.
Michela didn't want her picture taken. Dan feels her pain.
Me and little miss M.
Father and daughter.
Dan and David shoot some hoops in 100 degree heat, GQ style.
He shoots, he scores!
What a pretty, pretty girl.
Watch out, Drake likes older ladies :)
No bow tie???
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